cm001 2015-09-08 Tuesday overview

Register a GitHub account

Do this first!

  • Register for a free individual GitHub account and request the student discount. This should give you some free private repositories for a couple of years. Do this ASAP! I think a human vets these requests, so it could take a couple of days months.
    • As with Twitter (see below), think before you set up your public profile. I suggest you use a real name and begin to build a scholarly identity in social media and coding, but it’s a decision you should make with intention.
  • We will elicit your GitHub username soon so we can add you to the STAT 545 GitHub Organization.

R and RStudio

Follow these instructions. Eventually we will want you to connect RStudio and Git(Hub) (see next item about installing Git), so if things are going really well, give that a try.

If you have a pre-existing installation of R and/or RStudio, we highly recommend that you reinstall and upgrade to the most recent version. It is very easy and RStudio, specifically, is changing rapidly and positively (written 2015-09). If you upgrade R, you will need to also update any packages you have installed.

Git(Hub) and Git client

  • You can wait a couple days to do this if all the rest is overwhelming. But at least read the pages I link to here and start to prepare your mind.
  • Working with RStudio, Git, GitHub


I will use the @STAT545 Twitter account to make micro-announcements, share interesting links, and facilitate a conversation amongst ourselves in public.

In class, we talk about Twitter, its scholarly use, and privacy. Some relevant links:

If you choose not to get a Twitter account, you will want to visit the @STAT545 profile page regularly to see what’s up.

If you set up (or already have a Twitter account), you should follow @STAT545. We will elicit your Twitter handle soon so we can follow you back.

You could also follow me as an individual, at @JennyBryan. Ditto for the course TAs. You can learn some good people to follow re: data science and R by looking at who we follow and who we have Twitter conversations with.


This is a free hosting service provided by RStudio. It is the fastest way to get a report up on the web, based on an R script or an R Markdown file. But I think its days are numbered. Still, we may use this a little before we move on to other techniques. Registering for a free account is a “nice to do”, not a “must do”.