cm003 2015-09-15 Tuesday overview

For R novices

You did finish working through: R basics, workspace and working directory, RStudio projects, right?

  • Because I assume you’ve got a little script like toy-line.r written by now. We’ve probably used it in class today.
  • That also contained helpful information on sending R code to the Console from the script editor. Important!

For those familiar with R

Check out swirl. Work through one or more interactive courses with the goal of writing a short review (include in homework?). Feeling more ambitious? Check out swirlify and create a new lesson. I’d be happy to help think up topics.

Things we might need

We did not need these (demos were more basic), but I’ll leave this here anyway.

Parking these snippets here in case needed during class:

Example YAML frontmatter to cause intermediate Markdown to be saved when rendering an R Markdown document:

title: "Something fascinating"
author: "Jenny Bryan"
date: "10 September, 2014"
    keep_md: TRUE

Example YAML frontmatter to cause intermediate Markdown to be saved when rendering an R script (the same stuff but with #' at the beginning of each line:

#' ---
#' title: "Something fascinating"
#' author: "Jenny Bryan"
#' date: "10 September, 2014"
#' output:
#'   html_document:
#'     keep_md: TRUE
#' ---