cm011 2014-10-08 Wednesday overview
- HW05 will be due Thursday 2014-10-16. Will cover reordering factors and data; verifying differences in tables/figs before vs after, and how such things interact with different methods of storing data to file.
- Expect an optional, non-marked homework around the STAT545 –> STAT547 transition
- clean up your
- create a useful index into your homework / entire repo
- identify some non-Gapminder data that interests you and might interest others
- I’m still thinking about Wednesday vs Thursday vs Friday as HW submission day for next half of term….
- Today
- HW02 observations I will post what I showed somewhere private to us and publicize a link
- Writing (derived) data to file: when to do it which way
- Indicative code from our hands on activities
- 2013 lesson will be brought into 2014 repo; no major content change but will, e.g., switch over to
- Monday 2014-10-13
- Wednesday 2014-10-15
- Back to figs: effective graphs, be the boss of colors
- I’m taking suggestions over on the Discussion repo. Can’t promise to cover everything in class, but will provide some response if possible.