Big picture

In class we developed the package gameday and showed how to

The landing page for all the package material contains lots of links with extra technical information and general inspiration.

In this homework you will either continue developing the gameday package or create your own package (inspiration given below).

Below we outline follow-up tasks for gameday. If you develop your own package, it must include the following elements:

Due date

Submit an issue with a link to your package sometime on Friday November 21 if you need the weekend, submit before class on Monday November 24.


The only difference from the class activity is that this version is a better R citizen with respect to namespace and imports. The RCurl dependency has been moved from Depends to Imports and we call getURL() like so: RCurl::getURL. Go here for more explanation on this detail.

Please just tell me what to do

If you don’t feel like developing your own package, here’s a gameday blueprint that is a respectable way to complete the assignment. You are welcome to remix R code already written by someone, student or JB, in this class, but credit/link appropriately, e.g. in comments or your vignette. Take full advantage of office hours and the Discussion board!

If you can’t do all of this, do what you can. Make sure to include the vignette and push to GitHub, since that is needed for peer review and marking. Jenny took a crack at some parts of this homework and has some hints.

I want to aim higher! gameday version

field                  datatype      description 
ata                    char(3)       Away team acronym, 3 letter short name 
atc                    text          Before: blank During: "progress" After: "winner" if away team wins 
atcommon               text          away team common name 
atn                    text          away team city name 
ats                    int           away team score 
atsog                  int           Before: null During and After: away team shots on goal 
bs                     time/text     Before: start time (unsure if local or EST) During: 05:10 2nd, eg After: "FINAL", "FINAL OT" etc 
bsc                    text          Before: blank During: "progress" After: "final" 
canationalbroadcasts   text          Canadian TV broadcasters, comma separated list 
gcl                    Bool          gamecenter live? 
gcll                   bool          gamecenter live? 
gs                     int           game status? 1=scheduled, 3= in progress, 5=finished 
hta                    char(3)       home team acronym 
htc                    text          Before: blank During: "progress" After: "winner" if home team wins 
htcommon               text          home team common name 
htn                    text          home team city name 
hts                    int           home team score 
htsog                  int           Before: null During and After: home team shots on goal 
id                     int           game ID 
rl                     Bool          true after game completed 
usnationalbroadcasts   text          US tv broadcasters, comma separated list  

I want to aim higher! blue sky version

Do you want to write your very own package and ditch gameday? Here are some ideas.


Your peer reviewer will try to install your package from GitHub and use it! They will follow your instructions from and might even try stuff from your vignette.

Check minus: Package does not install. Or installation seemed go OK but one or more of the functions don’t work. Or you do something that seems totally natural (probably copied from or vignette) and get odd behavior.

Check: Hits most/all the elements. No obvious technical difficulties. Package pleasant to use. and vignette are pleasant to read and provide accessible examples of usage. No heroic detective work required. Good work!

Check plus: Exceeded the requirements in number of dimensions. Took gameday farther than was required. Wrote a new package from scratch. Experience of installation and usage was dreamy because of excellent documentation and high functionality. You learned something new from reviewing their work and you’re eager to incorporate it into your work. Wow!

Recall the general homework rubric.


Written by Bernhard Konrad and Jenny Bryan.