We made a Shiny app that let us graph the Gapminder data.
There is a lot you can do with Shiny. For homework we want you to:
In a suitable file and place, probably a README.md
, describe how the Shiny development work went for you. What was the hardest part? The most rewarding? How do you regard Shiny’s strengths / weakness relative to webpages you can create from RMarkdown? What sort of future applications can you see for Shiny?
Your Shiny app is due Monday 01 December 2014.
Follow the tutorial up until the end.
. Pay careful attention to the “format” and “startview” arguments. The dateRangeInput
requires dates to be in yyyy-mm-dd format, so you will need to give this format to your arguments that involve the date in this function. The dateRangeInput
widget returns not only years, but dates in the format “yyyy-mm-dd”. This is not ideal, but we just want the year, so one way to get at that is for the minimum date instead of having the input$select_year[1]
in server.R
to access the year, we can get at the year by using as.numeric(format(input$name_of_your_dateRangeInput_id_in_uiR[1], "%Y"))
for countries by adding in values for the arguments “selected” and “multiple”.shinyUI(fluidPage(theme = "bootstrap.css"
R studio Shiny Article on css stylegridLayout()
, fluidRow()
) and have different graphs laid out on different pages.Your peer reviewer will try run your app!
As peer reviewer you will critique the student’s shiny homework on the deployed app (either on the Stats UBC server or on shinyapps.io) and by looking at their code in their github repo. (We won’t be able to use the shiny::runGitHub()
since these are private repositories, but you could optionally download the student’s app locally and use shiny::runApp()
to view the app.)
Check minus: There is a problem with some aspect of server.R
or ui.R
. The deployed app does not function as it should or there are missing/broken pieces to the app.
Check: App runs! All the required widgets, interactivity and facetting/colour are included. Good work!
Check plus: Exceeded the requirements in a number of dimensions. App is deployed on shinyapps.io or on shinyapps.stat.ubc.ca. You have added a pleasant, useful dimension (widget, images, layout, css/html coding) to the app that was not required. Neat!
Recall the general homework rubric.