

There are many ways to obtain data from the Internet; let’s consider four categories:


We’re not going to consider data that needs to be downloaded to your hard drive first, and which may require filling out a form etc. For example World Value Survey or gapminder


Many web data sources provide a structured way of requesting and presenting data. A set of rules controls how computer programs (“clients”) can make requests of the server, and how the server will respond. These rules are called Application Programming Interfaces (API).

Many common web services and APIs have been “wrapped”, i.e. R functions have been written around them which send your query to the server and format the response.

Why do we want this?

Sightings of birds: rebird

Rebird is an R interface for the ebird database. Ebird lets birders upload sightings of birds, and allows everyone access to those data.


Search birds by geography

We can use the function ebirdgeo to get a list for an area. (Note that South and West are negative):

vanbirds <- ebirdgeo(lat = 49.2500, lng = -123.1000)
vanbirds %>%
  head %>%
comName howMany lat lng locID locName locationPrivate obsDt obsReviewed obsValid sciName
Black-bellied Plover 3 49.21278 -123.2025 L339171 Iona Island Causeway FALSE 2014-11-28 16:30 FALSE TRUE Pluvialis squatarola
gull sp. 200 49.21278 -123.2025 L339171 Iona Island Causeway FALSE 2014-11-28 16:30 FALSE TRUE Larinae sp.
Great Blue Heron 1 49.21278 -123.2025 L339171 Iona Island Causeway FALSE 2014-11-28 16:30 FALSE TRUE Ardea herodias
Fox Sparrow 1 49.34932 -123.1963 L2682350 Mulgrave School TRUE 2014-11-28 14:39 FALSE TRUE Passerella iliaca
Song Sparrow 3 49.34932 -123.1963 L2682350 Mulgrave School TRUE 2014-11-28 14:39 FALSE TRUE Melospiza melodia
Dark-eyed Junco 1 49.34932 -123.1963 L2682350 Mulgrave School TRUE 2014-11-28 14:39 FALSE TRUE Junco hyemalis
Note: Check the def aults on t his functio n. e.g. radi us of circl e, time of year.

We can also search by “region”, which refers to short codes which serve as common shorthands for different political units. For example, France is represented by the letters FR


(note that the link in the help file leads to a dead link (as I write this on 24 Nov) but you can probably use the codes from geonames, below)

Find out WHEN a bird has been seen in a certain place! Choosing a name from vanbirds above (the Bald Eagle):

ebirdgeo(species = 'Haliaeetus leucocephalus', lat = 42, lng = -76)

rebird knows where you are:

ebirdgeo(species = 'Buteo lagopus')

Searching geographic info: geonames



There are two things we need to do to be able to use this package to access the geonames API

  1. go to the geonames site and register an account.
  2. click here to enable the free web service
  3. Tell R your geonames username:

What can we do? get access to lots of geographical information via the various “web services” see here 

countryInfo <- GNcountryInfo()
countryInfo %>%
    head %>%
continent capital languages geonameId south isoAlpha3 north fipsCode population east isoNumeric areaInSqKm countryCode west countryName continentName currencyCode
EU Andorra la Vella ca 3041565 42.4284925987684 AND 42.6560438963 AN 84000 1.78654277783198 020 468.0 AD 1.40718671411128 Principality of Andorra Europe EUR
AS Abu Dhabi ar-AE,fa,en,hi,ur 290557 22.6333293914795 ARE 26.0841598510742 AE 4975593 56.3816604614258 784 82880.0 AE 51.5833282470703 United Arab Emirates Asia AED
AS Kabul fa-AF,ps,uz-AF,tk 1149361 29.377472 AFG 38.483418 AF 29121286 74.879448 004 647500.0 AF 60.478443 Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Asia AFN
NA Saint John’s en-AG 3576396 16.996979 ATG 17.729387 AC 86754 -61.672421 028 443.0 AG -61.906425 Antigua and Barbuda North America XCD
NA The Valley en-AI 3573511 18.166815 AIA 18.283424 AV 13254 -62.971359 660 102.0 AI -63.172901 Anguilla North America XCD
EU Tirana sq,el 783754 39.648361 ALB 42.665611 AL 2986952 21.068472 008 28748.0 AL 19.293972 Republic of Albania Europe ALL

This country info dataset is very helpful for accessing the rest of the data, because it gives us the standardized codes for country and language.

remixing geonames and rebird:

What are the cities of France?

francedata <- countryInfo %>%
    filter(countryName == "France")

frenchcities <- with(francedata,
             GNcities(north = north, east = east, south = south,
                             west = west, maxRows = 500))

How many birds have been seen in France? Use the countryCode from the geonames data to get bird data from rebird!

francebirds <- countryInfo %>%
    filter(countryName == "France")

allbirds <- ebirdregion(francebirds$countryCode)  ## or perhaps fipsCode?


[1] 151

Wikipedia searching

Geonames also helps us search Wikipedia.

GNwikipediaSearch("London") %>%
  select(-summary) %>%
    head %>%
elevation geoNameId feature lng countryCode rank thumbnailImg lang title lat wikipediaUrl
2 2643741 city -0.07857 GB 100 en London 51.504872
262 6058560 city -81.2497 CA 100 en London, Ontario 42.9837
60 1006984 city 27.9036078333333 ZA 100 en East London, Eastern Cape -33.0145668333333
14 NA adm1st -0.0159638888888889 GB 98 en London Borough of Lewisham 51.4568777777778
27 4839416 NA -72.1008333333333 US 100 en New London, Connecticut 41.3555555555556
13 NA adm1st -0.303547222222222 GB 100 en London Borough of Richmond upon Thames 51.4613416666667

We can use geonames to search for georeferenced Wikipedia articles. Here are those within 20 Km of Rio de Janerio, comparing results for English-language Wikipedia (lang = "en") and Portuguese-language Wikipedia (lang = "pt"):

rio_english <- GNfindNearbyWikipedia(lat = -22.9083, lng = -43.1964,
                                                                         radius = 20, lang = "en", maxRows = 500)
rio_portuguese <- GNfindNearbyWikipedia(lat = -22.9083, lng = -43.1964,
                                                                                radius = 20, lang = "pt", maxRows = 500)

## [1] 305
## [1] 349

Searching the Public Library of Science: rplos

PLOS ONE is an open-access journal. They allow access to an impressive range of search tools, and allow you to obtain the full text of their articles.

## Do this only once:
## Loading required package: ggplot2
##  New to rplos? Tutorial at Use suppressPackageStartupMessages() to suppress these startup messages in the future

Immediately we get a message. It’s a link to the tutorial on the Ropensci website!. How nice :)

Sys.setenv(PlosApiKey = "Paste your Key in here!!")
key <-  Sys.getenv("PlosApiKey")

alternate strategy for keeping keys: .Rprofile

Remember to protect your key! it is important for your privacy. You know, like a key * Now we follow the ROpenSci tutorial on API keys * Add .Rprofile to your .gitignore !! * Make a .Rprofile file windows tips mac tips * Write the following in it:

options(PlosApiKey = "YOUR_KEY")
  • restart R (e.g. reopen your Rstudio project)

This code adds another element to the list of options, which you can see by calling options(). Part of the work done by rplos::searchplos() and friends is to go and obtain the value of this option with the function getOption("PlosApiKey"). This indicates two things: 1. Spelling is important when you set the option in your .Rprofile 2. you can do a similar process for an arbitrary package or key. For example:

## in .Rprofile
options("this_is_my_key" = XXXX)

## later, in the R script:
key <- getOption("this_is_my_key")

This is a simple means to keep your keys private, especially if you are sharing the same authentication across several projects.

A few timely reminders about your .Rprofile

print("This is Andrew's Rprofile and you can't have it!")
options(PlosApiKey = "XXXXXXXXX")
  • Note that it must end with a blank line!
  • It lives in the project’s working directory, i.e. the location of your .Rproj
  • It must be gitignored

Remember that using .Rprofile makes your code un-reproducible. In this case, that is exactly what we want!

Searching PLOS

Let’s do some searches:

searchplos(q= "Helianthus", fl= "id", limit = 5)
                     fl = "title, materials_and_methods", key = key)
lat <- searchplos("materials_and_methods:study site",
                                    fl = "title, materials_and_methods", key = key)
aff <- searchplos("*:*", fl = "title, author_affiliate", key = key)
searchplos("*:*", fl = "id", key = key)

here is a list of options for the search or can do data(plosfields); plosfields

take a highbrow look!

out <- highplos(q='alcohol', hl.fl = 'abstract', rows=10, , key = key)

plots over time

plot_throughtime(terms = "phylogeny", limit = 200, key = key)

is it a boy or a girl? gender throughout US history


The gender package allows you access to American data on the gender of names. Because names change gender over the years, the probability of a name belonging to a man or a woman also depends on the year:

gender("Kelsey", years = 1940)